Sunday, August 8, 2010

It is back to school time! I can't believe the summer is over already, how fast it flew. I just want to update everyone on a few happenings in my life that will be affecting my schedule in the next few weeks.

I am headed to jamaica! I will be gone from the salon Aug 25th to Aug 31st. I may be working a monday before or after to make up for days lost so if you need to get in before I leave let me know and we will see what we can work out. If you have any questions about appointments while I am gone please call the salon and they will help take care of you. You can also leave a message on my phone and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

My neices that live with me will be on their way to texas. I am not sure on the dates, but I am going to be flying out there with them to help my sister and brother get settled. I will be moving around appointments here and there depending on when they leave and I will make sure that I get everyone taken care of.

I just want to thank all my awesome clients. You are all super understanding and always willing to help. I love and appreciate each of you. I hope to see you soon and can't wait to see you in the fall.
